Pelanggaran anu paling saé
Best Sticking Plasters Suppliers –Cool & refreshing cream confo pommade – ChiefDetail:
Pommade confo
Dealing with pain and discomfort? Anjeun henteu nyalira.
Pighro Pighrade, penting sareng raos lega anjeun. Produk kedah ngawariskeun obat herat sareng téknologi modern. Pimpa pimpn bakal 100% alami; Produk signabed ti colhora, mint sareng kayu putih. The product active ingredients are made up of menthol, Camphora, Vaseline, methyl salicylate, eugenol, menthol oil. Kamphor sareng Menthol nyaéta counterirrantran. Counterirrangs ngaleupaskeun perasaan nyeri sareng lega anjeun teu ngarareunah. Tujuan tina produkna pikeun ngabantosan anjeun tina spét, ngirangan bengkak, pusing, kulit gatal sareng panyakit ngagampangkeun panyakit. The product is also for relaxation, to soothe your muscles, refresh your energy and fast penetrating relief. The product super potent formula penetrates skin deeply to soothe pain in muscles and discomfort.
Kumaha cara nganggo
Apply to the affected area. Massage the cream gently onto the site of pain until fully absorbed. Wash your hands right after applying the product.
Pikeun panggunaan éksternal wungkul
Do not use on open wounds or damage skin.
Anggo ngan sakumaha diarahkeun. Hindarkeun kontak sareng panon.
Do not apply a heating pad to a treated skin. Entong perban atanapi bungkus daérah anu kapangaruhan saatos ngalamar produk. Hindarkeun kontak sareng panon.
Paket Paket
Hiji botol (28g)
480 botol / karton
Beurat kasar: 30kgs
Ukuran karton: 635 * 334 * 267 (mm)
Wayah 20feet: 450carons
Wayah 40hq: 1100cartons
Ngadamel pimpin pommade nomer anjeun 1 pilihan lega.
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Pituduh produk anu aya
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